
I am so glad I switched web hosts. I’m currently using DreamHost and the techs there are superb. The move was pretty easy, instructions were straightforward. I’ve been bugging them for 3 or 4 days now due to issues with setting up the store. They’ve been super helpful and none of the issues have been with their service, mainly things I didn’t know how to do.

For the first time I have a staging area where I can work on the site and update it on the backend and view changes before posting. If you’ve been following me, I generally have been working live, warts and all. The staging area is part of their package and the package I got is considerably less expensive than what I was paying before.

The last hosts couldn’t even read the damn ticket – I told them what I was having issues with, the backend – it was a complete mess and what was ok (the frontend). They told me the frontend looked good and was loading fine on their end, didn’t say anything about the backend. Also, they said I had a 10 second load time and acted like that was acceptable. They said loading time was due to the audio I have on my site (I don’t have any audio on my site – the player is hosted at Live365).

I totally recommend DreamHost if you’re setting up a site using WordPress.

— David