I’m just beginning to see how huge the flipping industry is. We’ve been involved with antiques and vintage things for years but I always thought of myself as a collector.
Thinking out loud: I see the move to flipping from being a collector as – not when you begin buying things to resell, but rather when you start purchasing items that you have no personal interest in, solely with the intention to resell them at a profit.
While previously I would look through albums, stereo equipment and tools at estate sales, now I might be looking up some Hello Kitty shit.
A flipper is a hunter, a collector is a gatherer – I suppose that’s a bit exaggerated – for the most part we’re all hunter-gatherers. Like crows attracted to shiny objects, there’s an instinctive urge to posses what we see as desirable.
I’ve been watching a lot of videos about selling on eBay, some really good ones and mixed in there are some scary stories too. If you’re reliant on one source and things go south it can be devastating. It doesn’t matter if you’re working for someone or doing something else.
— David