On the Air – Peter Gabriel (1978)

Every night I’m back at the shack
I’m sure no one else is there
I’m putting the aerial up
So I can go out on the air
— Peter Gabriel

Peter Gabriel

I’ve been working on the station’s music scheduling/playlists. With such a diverse library there’s a lot of juggling when setting up different rotations that flow from one genre to another and having it sound right, some things just don’t work together. A lot of it is just experimenting and then listening back and seeing what works and what doesn’t.

I added new rotations over the weekend and have been fine tuning it over the week. Set it up the tentative schedule last night. I thought it sounded great. Still tweaking it here and there but I’m happy with it as it stands. 

This morning I looked at the stats and all my listeners were gone.
Current listeners 0, they had all dropped off.
Haven’t had 0 listeners in the middle of the week in years.

After about 10 minutes I started getting some listeners but they weren’t the same ones.

I normally listen to the station from my computer, before it goes out streaming. When I want to crank it I listen to the online stream on the home stereo. 

I was listening on the stereo, music was flowing and I was really wondering what happened – the new rotations do sound great, what was going on? 

Then I got knocked off, lost the stream. Went back to the computer and the other listeners got knocked off too. 0 listeners again.

Apparently we’re having technical issues.

— David