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Gotta get up, gotta get out
Gotta get home before the morning comes
What if I’m late, got a big day
Gotta get home before the sun comes up
— Harry Nilsson

20 days since I listed any items. Went to bed feeling like I’d be all ready to go in the morning. In the morning as I drank my coffee I just didn’t have it. So instead of listing I searched for ways to get motivated.
It wasn’t a loss:
“You’re looking for motivation for something that requires discipline.”
Get it all in order
It’s the horse
And then the cart
You want to get it right
To do it right
Don’t play dumb
And don’t act smart
— Daniel Johnston

It’s been 19 days since I listed anything.
If I wasn’t the boss, I’d fire me.
Been busy, doing things while avoiding listing. I could have listed, would have been better.
Sales are ok considering my small inventory, they would be good if I put more new things out.
In a way it goes back to the schedule, I only got the mornings block set up but that worked. Worked for almost a week and then a couple of days the next week.
A couple of setbacks though and things were falling apart. Sort of missed the main idea of setting up a schedule, a routine – setting aside time to make sure important things get done when things are falling apart. Except things weren’t really falling apart.
And I could have restarted the schedule at any time.
I’m not totally kicking myself in the ass, but I should be.
— David
Ritual ideas, relativity
Holy buildings, no people prophecy
Time slide, place to hide, nudge reality
Foresight, minds wide, magic imagery, oh-ho…
— Mick Jones and Don Letts

I was at the antique mall, saw lots of people looking up items on their phones “researching”. There are shows on TV having to do with reselling, storage auctions, pickers etc. There’s a culture of YouTubers and bloggers writing about flipping. There’s even courses to buy and groups to join. It’s a way to make side money, it’s a full time job, it’s a hobby and it’s a fad. The whole reselling industry has changed.
I’ve been trying to find things that are drastically undervalued for cheap and resell them, in other words – treasure hunting. I think that’s what most of these people are doing and if they’re anything like me they’re making a lot of mistakes.
I was an estate sale and saw some $2-3 kiddie books from the late 60s, looked ’em up and they were going for like $15 each. I was stoked, struck gold. I camped out in the closet and looked up everything and bought 5 books. Another estate sale, another closet – all the jackets and coats were going for $10 each. I found some Grand National Championship High School Cheerleader jackets. I looked them up and they were going for $45. More gold. I was going to buy the whole lot but my wife told me only get the 2 best ones.
When I got home and proceeded to check a bit more on my big score, I found basically they were worth about what I paid for them. I don’t know what happened but the likely culprits were: I was looking at the for sale instead of the sold price, I didn’t pay attention to the quality, maybe shipping was included…I don’t know. Other things to be aware about are year, color, specific model and these are just in general, it can go far deeper. But the middle of an estate sale with the hustle and bustle of people coming in and out just isn’t the place to try to research something you don’t know anything about.
My wife hung the jackets in my closet which I took as some kind of message – I asked her and she said it was to remind me of my mistakes, stay away from high school cheerleaders and pick known colleges.
This week I went to an estate sale and there wasn’t anything I knew the value of. Lots of things that looked possibly of value but? So I just went from room to room, table to table and counter to counter writing down various categories of items to try to find out what’s a good deal and what isn’t. For example in the kitchen there were cookbooks, utensils, salt and pepper shakers and so on.
Let’s pick cookbooks – The vast majority obviously aren’t rare or valuable but some are. I figure it’s completely doable though to do some research. Maybe a few weeks, it would take awhile. I wouldn’t be an expert but I should know what are good things to look for and more importantly I should know more than the estate sale people. After that move on to utensils then salt and pepper shakers. In a few months I could be hell in the kitchen.
Also with so much information easily and quickly available online it has become apparent that whatever niche I study it is necessary to learn the value of things pre-barcode. It’s harder than just scanning an item and that would be where you could find things that are worth buying that haven’t been properly researched. Google Lens is getting better and better though so things that don’t have barcodes can be looked up but it takes more time and is more complicated so it’s more likely to be overlooked or just flat ignored.
Flipping is more of a grind than a treasure hunt – The whole reselling industry has changed.
— David
I don’t remember, I don’t recall
I got no memory of anything at all
I don’t remember, I don’t recall
I got no memory of anything
Anything at all
— Peter Gabriel

This is getting to be a clusterfuck. I still have a lot of media to sell but anything in under $10 or so is unprofitable because of shipping costs. The vast majority of my media falls into this category. What you’re seeing in the store is the top 5%.
After the hiccup with the cassettes, I moved on to a box of blue-rays. They’re in good condition but I found most of the titles aren’t worth enough to list.
I’ve spent the last week going through the rest of the DVDs I’ve had stored, trying to estimate prices and am seeing cents not dollars. Just heard that Best Buy has stopped carrying DVDs in their stores, I imagine they’ll be liquidating their inventory of new movies which will add to the glut.
I keep forgetting the plan – selling DVDs is only a beginning to learn the basics of selling online, I’m going to be putting some lots together to sell locally but most of the DVDs will be either added to my personal library or going back in storage as it’s just silly to sell them right now.
— David